Submit An Article

If you have written an article on any of the following topics, according to the Instructions for Authors, kindly send it in its final version to:
Clinical Point – Clinical reports, not necessarily rare or difficult to diagnose. Routine cases reflecting real life may also teach young specialists on evidence-based surgery / medicine as rare cases do.
Comments from more experienced specialists who intend to spread their views and teach consolidated approaches based on their own experience are also welcome.
Diagnostic sessions – Videos on short diagnostic / therapeutic sessions downloadable via QR code (with each relevant short description).
Congresses, Meetings, Webinars – Focus on topics presented at international, national, or local academic events. Purpose & Mission: educational training.
Reviews, position papers, statements, Guidelines – Salient aspects that have a practical, impactful implication in daily clinical practice.
Continuing medical education (CME) – The main topics presented in continuing medical education and surgery didactic sessions to further disseminate established topics and new skills in each specialty area: Urology, Andrology, Nephrology, Radiology, Uro / Nephro Pathology.